It was a few years ago but I still remember it like yesterday.
I was done with project defense and couldn't wait to move on to the next phase of life.
Got out of school, and honestly wasn't prepared for what awaited.
What did I even expect?
I hadn't set a single plan in place.
I joined the thousands of graduates in the sea of life and the swimming began.
The currents came fast and hard, and I found myself slowly drowning.
Drowning in thoughts for the future, what skill to learn, what business to start, how to generate income etc...
Danm! few months after school can be the most frustrating if you don't have things mapped out before time.
With people around constantly asking
What next?
Are you working now?
Where are you working?
Well I would be lying if I said I didn't wish the answer was affirmative most times.
The little money I had saved after my one year National Youth Service program couldn't do much for me, plus I had no idea what to do prior to the time. Needs came up and the cash went down like an avalanche.
I knew I needed to learn a skill.
Some options came to mind, fashion designing and hair dressing. I went ahead and made enquiries about them.
Guess what? I lost interest half way through.
The push just wasn't there.
They are amazing skills no doubt, but I just couldn't find myself.
It was a point in my life when I had to decide what I truly wanted, not because Mr A was into it or it's working for Mr B, but because I found fulfillment in doing it.
So I started digging, meditating, exploring, until DANG! it dawned on me.
I gradually resurrected the long stale gift and passion for writing the thorns of life had choked.
Yope, I revived my writing prowess.
Honing my writing skills night after night was 'sweet work' I must say.
It was a process, it will always be and I'm open and glad to keep learning as I go.
The change I desired came only because I gave myself permission to live, and I'm proud of it.
Proud to have taken a step to be a better version of myself,
Proud to have made mistakes,
Proud to have learned,
Proud to have unlearned,
Proud to have relearned, and
Super proud to have grown.
All this happened because I took a conscious decision to add value to myself.
What has been holding you back?
What has been your frustration?
What answers do you seek?
Things won't change till you consciously decide to give yourself permission to live!
You can be a better you.
You can be your own hero.
You can use what you know best to your advantage, and be the success you desire.
"Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Make the most of yourself... for that is all there is of you". --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Discovering what I wanted to do was one thing, taking a step forward to take action was another.
After conceiving that idea or plan, what should be your next move?
Below are four steps to be a better you:
1. Start shameless: Most times people over think an idea till they are overwhelmed with fear to start. Start shameless, it might not seem like much at first but it will sure pay off in the long run.
2. Persevere: You'll face challenges, there will be times you'll be forced to question yourself just like I did, persevere regardless. You'll reap the benefits soon.
3. Sort out for a mentor: Mentors help you get to your destination faster than you would on your own. So it's essential you sort out for a mentor who has gone ahead of you, they guide you through your journey.
4. Invest in self-development: This is key if you aspire to be a better version of yourself. Enroll for a course, pay to attend that conference, read books, do anything within your reach to acquire more knowledge on what you do, and implement them.
You too can create your future by discovering what you want to do, and take a bold step to start.
Give yourself permission to live, the world awaits your uniqueness.
About The Author

Imani Dokubo is a storyteller, content creator, and poet. She is also Assistant Editor of BRAG! and Co-Author of the book "40 Pearls Of Wisdom". She strongly believes that words are powerful. She also believes that specially selected words are vital to take readers/clients through a journey of the value they would get from products or services.
Having found her inner core in writing after graduating with a degree in computer science, Imani helps establishments craft content that attract their ideal customers. She is a scribe at Christ a Poet (CAP) where she is committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ through creative writing and poetry.
Driven with a passion to revamp mindsets and help humanity with her gift, she finds fulfillment in depicting words that engage the emotions of her readers through the art of storytelling. Apart from playing with words, Imani enjoys reading, listening to music, and dancing.