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Get the Talk, Tools & Mentoring to (B)oldly (R)adically (A)chieve (G)oals. Don't Wait! - Make a Commitment to Yourself. Join Now for only $7 per month (instead of $49 a month) - Get this Special 90% Discount + All Our VIP Goodies.
Who Are We?
Learn About The BRAG Club
BRAG means to (B)oldly (R)adically (A)chieve (G)oals.
We all have goals - whether big, small or significant. Reaching your goals should be easy right? Well, not for many business owners who have struggled to FOCUS on their action plans or even get their ideas off the ground. Still, If you want to be the best, you've got to hang out with the very BEST.
The most successful people all have coaches. They still pay for training courses. And you better believe - they've got thousands of books, magazines, podcasts, and resources with tons of valuable information to help them get better, at what they do - the best part, is that they surround themselves with the right people.
So how do you get better? How do YOU become more productive? And how do you become a high flying achiever?
Well, it all goes back to being INTENTIONAL about your goals, by hanging out with the most productive people on the planet - learning, interacting and listening - So you can take your GOALS further.
Ever heard the saying that "you are the sum total of the five closest people you hang around"? In other words, if you're constantly surrounded by Millionaires, you'll almost certainly become one. Same way, if you're constantly surrounded by high achievers, you too will become one of them.
The truth is, whatever you want to accomplish in life, nothing will help you go further, faster than getting the right coaching or being surrounded by MOTIVATED peers who have “been there, done that,” - business owners who have graduated from the school of "hard knocks", so you don’t have to pay the tuition - learning it all - the hard way.
They say - "It's not 'bragging' if you can back it up"
What if YOU could celebrate achievement after achievement and BRAG on a regular?, not to boast, but to honor your hard work.
That's where we come in...That's why WE are here. To literally help you earn your brilliance & achieve all of your biggest goals.
THE BRAG CLUB is all about helping Creatives & Business Owners to build their (B)rand identity, (R)einvent themselves + their businesses, (A)lign with the right collaborators and (G)row using our founder - Alex Okoroji's tested signature business strategy -THE BRAG FACTOR™ for creating success.
This is the place to ask questions, get feedback, network, create relationships, collaborate and support fellow Influencers to create their impact.
It’s also the place that will help you stay accountable to your own goals - whatever they are - as we CHALLENGE members individually and collectively to strip the limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving your immense potentials and earn your bragging rights - so you can make your next move, transcend your business blocks, and strategize for your future.
We help small business owners and aspiring influencers - people just like YOU - get the clarity, information, strategy, and tools they need to win & succeed.
We're happy to WELCOME YOU to join an exclusive intimate tribe of brilliant minds & AMAZING goal-getters, ready to map, plan, dream, and challenge their future, faster than you can imagine. We invite you to make a commitment to yourself, invest in yourself, and discover what you can create - when you're part of an ecosystem that supports your highest level of work.
- Make A Commitment To Yourself!Take Advantage of Our Early Founding Member 90% Special Discount& Join Us For Only $7 per Month (instead of $49 a month).

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Lagos Office
Ground Floor, 4 B-Close, 3rd Avenue 100211 Lagos, Nigeria. +234 (702) 055-1702
US Office
329 South Oyster Bay Road #2084 Plainview, NY 11803
+1 (315)-567-4355
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