Our SHINE train is moving along - This week, we asked Marketing Expert - Leon Streete, a few questions. He shared some insight on what it means to SHINE.
As we count down to the Shine Legacy Award, we continue our Interview Series featuring the amazing global influencers who are speaking and sharing their brilliance at the LEAP AND SHINE CONFERENCE 2020 coming up in London, UK on February 21-22. Enjoy!
1. When you think of the word SHINE what first comes to your mind? And what does "Shining" look like from your Point Of View (POV)?
When I think of the word SHINE, what it means to me is to let your true self shine through your soul.
"Shining, For me is where you bring the right vibe to all situations in life and business." - Leon Streete
2. What would you say is your Shine Factor?
My shine factor is my ability to help my clients to see their own vision with such clarity that they are clear on the next steps in growing their business.
3. What are your thoughts about Mentorship and Influence, do you think there is a connection?
Mentorship is intrinsic to the success of any real entrepreneur. The idea of doing it alone is a myth.
"Just look at some of the famed historical leaders of our time, you often find they had a mentor or coach." - Leon Streete
Richard Branson = Freddie Laker
Oprah Winfrey = Maya Angelou
Mark Zuckerberg = Steve Jobs
"Influence for me is all about how much you're willing to put yourself out into the market, in order to hold influence in the first place because if no one knows about you, your influence is limited, at best." - Leon Streete
As to whether there is a connection, I guess it could be argued either way, but for me, there is a clear distinction between the two.
4. Mentorship is a two-way relationship between the Mentor and the Mentee. Can you share two qualities you think mentees should exhibit to get the best out of their mentors?
Mentees should be coachable because usually, the reason they choose a mentor or coach is that they are there to learn something they do not know or cannot see about themselves. They should be willing to act, once they are shown the way - they must take the action on their journey.
5. Can you think of one specific moment in which you dulled your shine and how you got your lustre/sparkle back?
One moment when I dulled my shine was when my first business failed. I became depressed, as I couldn't shake the emotional failure and challenges I faced. The way I got it back was to get over my ego and allow my true purpose to shine through one day at a time.
6. If you could BRAG about one particular Shine Moment in your career, or business what would it be?
Helping my clients to generate over £4 million in sales in the past 3 years from my marketing advice.
7. You are one of the Global Speakers at the February 2020 Leap and SHINE Conference in London. What should attendees expect from you at the conference?
At the conference, I will bring the real shine energy to those who are thinking about being in business or already in business, which is "how to connect their Vision to their Marketing Strategy and achieve bigger growth in 2020". My talk will be based on real experiences with actionable takeaways. See you there!
About Leon Streete
Leon Streete is an International Number 1 Amazon Best-Selling Author for the book “More Leads More Clients”, International Speaker, and he is known as “The Visionary Marketing Coach” and Founder of Business Owner Elevation. A company dedicated to helping coaches, consultants and service-based businesses to create 6-7 figure marketing campaigns. Are you stuck with the often miss-understood subject of “Marketing?” You’re not alone. He removes the hype around the big social media platforms and shows you the simple visionary strategic approach so you can simplify your message, create great marketing materials and grow your business.” Leon’s passion is marketing, born out of his ability to see a person's vision come to life in their marketing message, he regularly creates content for his community, runs various workshops, coaching programmes and interview top entrepreneurs on his Award-Winning Podcast.
Connect with him at www.LeonStreete.com
About The Event
The Leap and Shine Conference which started in 2016 as a Virtual Summit is an initiative founded by Clara Rufai, The Shine Strategist offering Creative, Interactive and Transformational opportunities by bringing together global Thought-leaders and Influencers for paradigm-shifting, life-defining discussions with the aim to inspire, equip and empower individuals to break free from their prisons of limitation and take a ‘LEAP’ into their ‘SHINE ZONE’.
The two-day event promises enlightenment, education, entertainment, and networking with a line-up of successful global achievers. The theme for the conference is “Ready to Shine” and targeted at individuals and business leaders seeking to grow momentum and build a network of fruitful collaborations.
Tickets are already available on sale at www.LeapAndShineConference.com.