Brandi Benson is an American Speaker, Author, and Founder of the premier employment service company, Resume-Advantage. A former US Army Soldier who is now the author of the acclaimed book “The Enemy Inside Me” and has been featured on radio, tv, magazines and international media platforms including ABC, NBC, CNN, Fox, CW, New York Journal, and more.
In 2009, after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Ewing Sarcoma, Brandi fought to overcome her diagnosis, heal after her treatments, and reclaimed her life through therapy, physical activities, and other healthy-living practices.
Since writing her memoir released in November 2018, chronicling her experience, she created the Brandi L. Benson Wellness Initiative, dedicated to raising money for both the “Ewing Sarcoma Foundation” as well as in-house support programs and events to spread the awareness of good mental health & wellness practices for victims of trauma.

As a Wellness Advocate, Brandi Benson knows the struggle of maintaining mental clarity and focus after a traumatic experience. After being diagnosed with “Ewing Sarcoma”, Brandi thought her life was over.
The diagnosis and treatments seemed to drain the very life she was struggling to keep.
Brandi was devastated by the thought of leaving the world so young, and even more distraught that her then three years old nephew, might grow up and never see her around or know her adoration for him. It was during this time that she began keeping a journal, determined to leave a trace of herself for him.
What Brandi, did not know is that her resolve to chronicle her experience and leave encouraging words for her nephew - would be a vital asset to her recovery. Writing out her thoughts and feelings became cathartic and it cleared the way for divine intervention in her life. Shortly after she began journaling, Brandi was given a book on the “law of attraction” from a family member. This book changed her mindset about her “chances for recovery”, and she began to seek insights on proper nutrition, exercise, and wellness practices that might help her heal completely.

By taking advantage of the help offered by her immediate surrounding community and making a concerted effort to revive herself—mind, body, and spirit, Brandi was able to make a full recovery—one that includes founding a new business, traveling around the world, the completion of health and fitness projects, and a life journey she is excited to continue globally.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Alex Okoroji got a chance to sit down with Brandi and talk a little deeper about her book, her actual cancer experience, the scars, her wellness initiative and her plans moving forward.

Download a Digital Copy to Your Device and read Brandi Benson's full-featured Interview inside our 2019 Bold Winter Issue of BRAG! for only $5.99